The Improvement Game

The Improvement Game

The Improvement Game shares powerful stories of amazing people who achieved life-changing success in their lives.

You and I are like this candle, the darkness presses in on us. Threatening to extinguish our light. But We refuse to stop burning.


The Improvement Game tells the stories of people who suffered, went through hardship, and came out the other side happier and more successful.

Material Success vs Real Success

These people didn’t make a million dollars.

They don’t have millions of followers.

They don’t own supercars and fly privately.

They achieved a type of success most only read about in storybooks. Success that is so deeply routed in health, spirit, and transformation that it cannot help but inspire even the most depressed soul.

These stories prove you do not have to make money to be successful.

  • A guy who got paralyzed in a biking accident and is now jacked is successful.
  • A man who lost 35lbs from an autoimmune disease and fought back to get healthy again is successful.
  • A dude living on the streets addicted to drugs who overcame it all and is now in a healthy relationship, 1.5 years sober, is successful.
  • Parents who raise a large, healthy, and happy family despite financial hardship and stress are successful.

These are real successes. These are the stories “The Improvement Game” shares.

If you are someone who achieved Success in a way that doesn’t involve making money, I want to hear from you.

If you know someone who achieved this success, put them in touch with me.

Your story deserves to be heard.

People deserve to be inspired by you.

Contact me: